Should your Probate and Estate Planning Attorney be the Same?

Should your Probate and Estate Planning Attorney be the Same?

Probating is an intricate process which is time-consuming and requires a lot of legal paperwork. However, one should not confuse Will planning and Estate planning as the same thing. Estate planning includes a plethora of nuances unfound within the structure of probate. This type of planning includes strategizing how to reduce the tax-burden on the […]

Navigating the Hurdles of Contesting a Will Post-Probate

Challenges in Contesting a Will After Probate

A Last Will and Testament outlines how a person’s assets will be distributed among their beneficiaries after they pass away. It is considered the final wishes of the deceased, and ensuring that these wishes are carried out is crucial. If a beneficiary is unhappy with their share of the inheritance, they have the option to […]